
Seafarers and shore-based personnel work in highly risk environments, where skills and abilities play a key role in performance at both individual and organizational level. Competencies can be difficult to assess. As such, a system for assessing competency in seafarers, highlighting that behaviour and attitude are key elements of a positive safety culture, is required prior assigning them to specific tasks.

1. Purpose
The module is designed as a tool of:
- Assessment of competence in rank or in preparation for promotion.
- Assessment of potential candidates in terms of qualifications and previous experience and performance.
- Job competency assessment based on company’s specific procedures, forms, practices, tools and lessons learned.
- Potential future shore-based assignments by crew members.
2. Application
The module can be used either for shore or shipboard personnel.
STCW Reg. I/6: Mandatory demonstration of competence by using on board training record books – on board training must be supervised, assessed, and recorded.
STCW Reg. I/14: Emphasis on the responsibilities of the company to:
- Provide familiarization training and cover areas where seafarers do not have any training.
- Provide refresher training facilitated by on board training and assessment.
3. Definition
Competence is the knowledge, skills and attitude utilized to fulfill a defined role, safely and successfully to a defined standard. Knowledge, skills and attitude are considered to be elements of competence. Competence may also be described by the following levels:
- Knowledge.
- Understanding.
- Application.
- Integration.
4. Scope
- Define competency requirements in relation to technical education, training, skills and experience for key roles.
- Determine the competency of vessel personnel and the accuracy of their pre-employment records.
5. Objectives
The objective is to assist ship owners and ship managers to manage, maintain and continually develop competence to a high standard within an ISM and STCW environment to obtain:
- improved performance on board and ashore related to safety, environment and operation,
- conformity to statutory requirements,
- analysis and handling of incidents in order to obtain lasting and adequate corrective action promoting reduced number of incidents,
- consistent, high quality recruitment and better retention,
- improved competence of individuals.
The module is using a central database of questions considering following:
- Company’s Management System
- STCW Assessment Criteria
- SOLAS, MARPOL, and other statutory codes (LSA, FSS, etc.)
- Industry related publications (BIMCO, Intercargo, etc.)
- IMO Recommendations and Circulars.
- Flag Requirements applicable to the Fleet.
Gap Assessment of Questions
The gap assessment is based to cover:
- the criticality of the identified competence gaps,
- input from STCW and or ISM Code requirements,
- operational goals (availability and capacity forecasts, business goals),
- individual annual and long-term competence plans,
- refresher training requirements,
- crew co-ordination training (e.g. drills).
Updated competence tables related to:
- New technological developments (e.g., ECDIS, pollution prevention equipment, Dynamic Positioning Systems)
- New operational aspects (i.e., security, navigation in polar waters)
- Behaviour and Non-Technical Skills (leadership and managerial skills, teamwork, assertive communication)
- Bridge and Engine Resource Management (BRM and ERM)
Personnel Card
The initial screen of the module requires following data:
- Name / Surname / Passport Details / Seaman Book Details
- Current Rank License
- Rank Applied for
- Date of Birth / Nationality
- Specified by the company (additional information)