Crew Resource Assessment Tool


Seafarers and shore-based personnel work in highly risk environments, where skills and abilities play a key role in performance at both individual and organizational level. Competencies can be difficult to assess. As such, a system for assessing competency in seafarers, highlighting that behaviour and attitude are key elements of a positive safety culture, is required prior assigning them to specific tasks.

1. Purpose

The module is designed as a tool of:

  • Assessment of competence in rank or in preparation for promotion.
  • Assessment of potential candidates in terms of qualifications and previous experience and performance.
  • Job competency assessment based on company’s specific procedures, forms, practices, tools and lessons learned.
  • Potential future shore-based assignments by crew members.
2. Application

The module can be used either for shore or shipboard personnel.
STCW Reg. I/6: Mandatory demonstration of competence by using on board training record books – on board training must be supervised, assessed, and recorded.
STCW Reg. I/14: Emphasis on the responsibilities of the company to:

  1. Provide familiarization training and cover areas where seafarers do not have any training.
  2. Provide refresher training facilitated by on board training and assessment.


3. Definition

Competence is the knowledge, skills and attitude utilized to fulfill a defined role, safely and successfully to a defined standard. Knowledge, skills and attitude are considered to be elements of competence. Competence may also be described by the following levels:

  • Knowledge.
  • Understanding.
  • Application.
  • Integration.


4. Scope
  • Define competency requirements in relation to technical education, training, skills and experience for key roles.
  • Determine the competency of vessel personnel and the accuracy of their pre-employment records.


5. Objectives

The objective is to assist ship owners and ship managers to manage, maintain and continually develop competence to a high standard within an ISM and STCW environment to obtain:

  • improved performance on board and ashore related to safety, environment and operation,
  • conformity to statutory requirements,
  • analysis and handling of incidents in order to obtain lasting and adequate corrective action promoting reduced number of incidents,
  • consistent, high quality recruitment and better retention,
  • improved competence of individuals.


The module is using a central database of questions considering following:

  • Company’s Management System
  • STCW Assessment Criteria
  • SOLAS, MARPOL, and other statutory codes (LSA, FSS, etc.)
  • Industry related publications (BIMCO, Intercargo, etc.)
  • IMO Recommendations and Circulars.
  • Flag Requirements applicable to the Fleet.
Gap Assessment of Questions

The gap assessment is based to cover:

  • the criticality of the identified competence gaps,
  • input from STCW and or ISM Code requirements,
  • operational goals (availability and capacity forecasts, business goals),
  • individual annual and long-term competence plans,
  • refresher training requirements,
  • crew co-ordination training (e.g. drills).

Updated competence tables related to:

  • New technological developments (e.g., ECDIS, pollution prevention equipment, Dynamic Positioning Systems)
  • New operational aspects (i.e., security, navigation in polar waters)
  • Behaviour and Non-Technical Skills (leadership and managerial skills, teamwork, assertive communication)
  • Bridge and Engine Resource Management (BRM and ERM)
Personnel Card

The initial screen of the module requires following data:

  • Name / Surname / Passport Details / Seaman Book Details
  • Current Rank License
  • Rank Applied for
  • Date of Birth / Nationality
  • Specified by the company (additional information)